
The Chris Worfolk Foundation is a humanist charity that aims to inspire people to make a difference in their local community. We run a number of projects, events and groups all based on a humanist philosophy as well as providing education to the general public on such matters.

You can also find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


17 June 2024 Anxiety Leeds portal relaunch

Two years ago, we closed down the Anxiety Leeds meetings. We’ve missed them, and despite the meetings ceasing we have still seen a lot of people accessing our website and looking for support. As a result, we have decided to expand the website to offer additional support. This includes a wider range of sign-posting to […]

26 July 2022 Anxiety Leeds is closing

Anxiety Leeds is closing. Since 2013, we’ve had thousands of people attend our support groups at the Leeds General Infirmary, supporting each other practically and emotionally. We hope that everyone who has come through our doors found some support from doing so. Since the pandemic, we have been unable to hold face-to-face meetings. With myself […]

19 January 2021 Humanist Chaplaincy Level 1

The Humanist Chaplaincy network has relaunched its digital platform and, for the first time, has brought its training course into digital as well. The new Humanist Chaplaincy Level 1 provides an introduction to the foundations of philosophy, theory and practice as a non-religious chaplain. Find out more on their website.

12 November 2020 Anxiety Leeds online trial

Anxiety Leeds has been running face-to-face groups since 2013. However, as we are based at the hospital, our meetings have been suspended since the pandemic arrived to ensure we keep both our clients and vulnerable hospital patients safe (from COVID, not from mental health problems, unfortunately). So far, we have been referring people to other […]

1 August 2017 Anxiety Leeds impact report

Today, we’re launching the first Anxiety Leeds impact report. We regularly take feedback from our group members and survey them to see what is working and what is not. However, this is the first time we have systematically reviewed the results and published a report about it. Here are the headline figures: We support a […]